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Infrared & Electrical Code Predictive Maintenance Survey

Predictive Maintenance vs. Reactive Repair

Excessive or an abnormally high level of heat is often an early symptom of equipment damage or malfunction.  As a result, this makes heat a key performance parameter monitored in predictive maintenance (PdM) programs.  By monitoring equipment performance via infrared thermography surveys and scheduling maintenance when needed, facilities can:

The goal is essentially to transition your maintenance resources away from emergency repairs and into the less-chaotic world of scheduled inspections of key equipment.  In other words, repair small issues before they arise in the first place.  A simple, small repair that could have quickly been resolved can easily turn into expensive damages and lost productivity if left unaddressed.  By using predictive maintenance to your advantage, these problems can more easily be discovered and repaired before they wreak havoc on equipment and system components.

Cost Savings

Studies by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) estimate that a properly functioning predictive maintenance program can provide savings of 30-40% over reactive maintenance and repairs.

To calculate savings at your facility, start by estimating the costs of unplanned emergency equipment failures.  Factor in your human resources, cost for emergency labor, parts, and lost revenue from specific production lines that are affected by that downtime.

The Direct Advantage

Survey Targets

Infrared Inspection

Electrical Code Survey

What You'll Get

  1.   Full infrared and electrical code inspection survey list as documentation on ALL items surveyed.
  2.   Industry standard FLIR infrared report, detailing any and all hot-spots observed and determined to be of concern.
  3.   Immediate real-time notification and repair via on-the-fly approval(s) of any hot-spots discovered determined to need immediate action 
    • Ex.  Burnt or burning conductors, panels, or terminations posing an imminent fire hazard
  4. Automatic follow-up quoting for any and all recommendations